Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Now That's What I Call Indie Rock!

Vice Records prepares to release comp CD's of indie rock to big box retail stores.

Hipsters prepare mental "black lists" for all artists involved. Time to brush up on sayings like "Their first record was ok", and "They were so (fill in blank with year)". Remember kids, it's not what music YOU like, it's what type of people like the music. Because if you like Bloc Party next year, you might as well be dead to me.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Fuck the Beastie Boys

Unless they do the following:

1. Get a new rhyme scheme
2. Stop saying Mario(or Mario C) in every rap song.
3. Bring back the rock and/or the in sound from way out type shit.
4. Free Tibet

Arcade Fire cancels rest of european tour, Europe spared

Europe was spared from death by an overdose of hype, when Arcade Fire announced that they will be cancelling the rest of their european tour. With the past few years of dealing with the Artic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand, The Killers, Lilly Allen, and Babyshambles, the european masses have been constantly bombarded with mediocre bands hyped beyond belief. Arcade Fire, dubbed "the worlds greatest band" by many, could have caused the death of thousands. This type of death has not be witnessed since the great hype deaths of the early 90's, started by the Stone Roses and finishing with the Oasis vs. Blur chart battles.